Friday, May 31, 2013



 We are deep into the season of heat and flies! That means it begins to feel like a long slog to me. Vacation is far off in the distance, the air-conditioner is working overtime. We keep planning a vacation but it is seems that it always in the planning stages, we just have to do it.
 It’s not necessarily a seasonally-related thing, it’s a heart-centered thing, but for me, it always seems to hit in Summer and Christmas.
Without warning or reason, my life gets a heavy feeling. And it can be especially crazy when everything seems just fine. Life looks the same––to everyone else ----but not to me and somehow it feels different.
There is not a big problem to deal with I actually take a little comfort in knowing that something small might set me right again, like a yoga class, guitar/ piano lesson, a weekend away with a friend. If my life feels out of balance, I’m probably not getting enough of what really keeps me going and brings real, meaningful pleasure to life. It seems like a big blah/smog
But sometimes a person requires more than just a little reminder of what you care about. You want to reboot, have a clean slate, a restart button, an IV to get the life put back into me ….. I’m ok with having the routine––the ritual of going to work, eating lunch at my desk, drinking coffee in the morning, my art work does help, BUT the desire for a fresh start in a way that surprises me.
The craving for neat, tidy house, office, and vehicle must in some way be a reaction to my life’s messiness. I sometimes feel overwhelmed with the reality of what is; the view of what could be is appealing. A fresh start, for sure, would make things more manageable, more organized, happier. That’s the thing about the unknown: we always think it could be better or like my mother would say ---the grass is not always greener on the other side.
I ‘m here today wanting to ask about a useful way I can have a fresh start in the day-to-day routine. I wanted to ask how you give yourself that clear sense of a new beginning when you’re having difficulties in life. And I still want to know, for sure. But at times it occurs to me that a having the need to reboot my life is a question of how to make peace with one self and others in an everyday situation. I’m not saying I want to change my life , and yes I have bad days and good days I’m rarely in a bad mood and most of the time I go with the flow of the moment, I’m very spontaneous and ready to go at the moment notice. 
 I guess having these feelings is being alive! 

My age

January 13,2023 64 yrs old. My Birthday is the Friday the 13!And-the first breath I take, the opening of my eyes, I feel I received a gift ...