Monday, July 24, 2017

The Significance of a Red Cardinal Sighting

The Significance of a Red Cardinal Sighting
Today started out good , then the depression started to kick in ---thinking about my mother, she's been gone for a long time. I was in bed to rest and Ric came into the bedroom and woke me up to look outside and on the window still was a red cardinal looking into our kept jumping to the glass above the screen and looked like it wanted to come in....
My mom has always been a beautiful
woman and then I suddenly had to face the death of her...I wonder what my journey would be with her!! I don’t take life for granted, I live my life to the fullest... And while my heart aches and my eyes get watery I thank my mom for all the knowledge she gave me..
I looked up google
The Significance of a Red Cardinal Sighting
Messages from Spirit can come in many forms, but the red cardinal has long been held as the most notable spiritual messenger. The male cardinals are certainly hard to ignore with their striking red feathers and melodic yet almost “pay-attention-to-me” chirps. And when they come to you almost insistently trying to gain your attention, it’s likely you’re receiving a message from Spirit.
A Spiritual Messenger
The notion that cardinals are messengers of Spirit exists across many cultures and beliefs.
The cardinal can be associated with many myths and traditions surrounding renewal, good health, happy relationships, monogamy and protection, just to name a few.
If you believe that cardinals are a winged messenger from Spirit, then the next time you see one who is insisting on getting your attention, ask yourself these questions: What or who were you thinking of at that moment? Did you ask for guidance from Spirit or ask for help finding the answer to an important question? Allow your cardinal sightings to bring you a feeling of peace, knowing you are being heard. Let their visits remind you that you are always guided and protected by Spirit. Above all, don’t forget to thank your winged friends and Spirit for their guidance.
Visits from the Other Side
When deceased loved ones want you to know that they’re around, one way they might do that is to send messengers from the animal kingdom: small, brightly-colored bugs, birds and butterflies are not an uncommon choice. Things with wings tend to get our attention, and if you allow yourself to get tuned in, you might even feel who has sent them to you in hopes you’ll receive their message—even if that message is a simple acknowledgement that your loved ones are always around. And if you’re pondering something and asking the Universe for guidance, seeing a cardinal or the like is telling you that you’re being heard and guidance is being offered.

My age

January 13,2023 64 yrs old. My Birthday is the Friday the 13!And-the first breath I take, the opening of my eyes, I feel I received a gift ...