Sunday, September 24, 2017

Whatever who cares

• whatever  who cares     i don't care  i don't give a fuck
i don't know     i don't give a shit
shut up     fuck it   fuck off.  fuck you
not interested   sHut the fuck up
 I don't know.  i don't give a damn   screw it
so what  whatever

I'm 97% sure you don't like me but I'm 100% sure I don't care
nobody cares if you dance well just get up and dance
When someone ask how are you doing , smile and say I'm fine because nobody cares
No one cares their just pretending

You’re not the center of the universe. In fact, no one really cares about you. It’s hard to hear this but true. Sure, you have family and a few great friends. Sometimes they will care, especially when you're going through a rough patch of your life they might help you but nobody gives a shit,  they don't care about you nearly as much as you care about yourself
you're not on top of anybody's mine, nobody cares

You live in a constant state of anxiety  what people are going to say about you The way you dress your hair your shoes do you get a second chance to impress people .? remember  nobody cares
 Nobody cares the way you  dressed what shoes you're wearing what purse you have nobody cares they might be jealous but nobody cares.

If you have been complaining for a long time and it has resulted in little or no support, and repeated requests to drop it and move on, then consider the possibility that this is because "nobody cares" nobody gives a fuck, and whatever how many times have you heard this.?
In the end people are going to judge me
Haha I don't care.

My age

January 13,2023 64 yrs old. My Birthday is the Friday the 13!And-the first breath I take, the opening of my eyes, I feel I received a gift ...