Sunday, January 5, 2020

Holidays finally over

Holidays finally over
That’s the time at the end of the holidays when the gifts are put away and the grandkids have gone home and I flop on the sofa with a satisfying, “Whew!”
We all know that the past couple of  weeks have exacted an emotional, financial toll. The tree was bursting with lights and sentimental ornaments. Gifts were purchased, then wrapped in a hurry, if y’all know me I’m a last minute shopper. Parties were celebrated with friends.
Things really kicked into gear when the family and friends arrived. 
Don’t think I’m ungrateful. I adore having everyone around. 
My grown sons and daughter-in-laws are wonderful company. I appreciate each of them more than they can ever know. 
And my grandchildren are the center of my life. Their charm and energy give all of us what we need. 
I intentionally don’t decorate so my hubby can do it , Christmas is his favorite holiday.
Even so, the holidays are stressful. My normal routine is disrupted. 
When the holidays are over. I’m ready to pack up everything and put it away till next year. 
and say, “Whew!” So I then can ready for my next adventure in my business.  

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 I’ m beyond blessed and thankful for the amount of posting on social media I receive and grateful for each and everyone who attended the fa...