Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mujeres Gonzalez Art & Permilia Jewelry

I finally found the right names for my art & jewelry work--

My Collections-will be named --Mujeres Gonzalez Art & Permilia Jewelry .

Mujeres Gonzalez-- because most of my art is inspired by my mother and sister death and of all the challenge they both had. They both had faith and confidence to a higher power, and were sympathetic and had a compassionate attitude toward others. My mother was a very stong women who kept the Gonzalez business going strong for about 50 years, my sister had a very active fantasy life she did not worry about anything and made everyday feel like it was her last day to live. Both died in a 3 year span.

Permilia Jewelry--that is believe it or not is my middle name...the name Permilia comes from Mexico ---a famous movie star....My mother loved the name so my Jewelry is as beautiful as the name..

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