Friday, January 15, 2016

The seven deadly sins


The Seven Deadly Sins
1. Greed - Wanting too much of something. 1. I need more money! It's all mine! 
2. Gluttony - Similar to greed, but gluttony is the action of taking too much of something in. 2. She's such a glutton. I heard she ate a large pizza by herself! 
3. Lust - The need to fulfill unspiritual desires (not just sexual desires, but this is usually what lust is associated with.)
3. A strong over powering emotion...Galatians chapter 5:17 your emotion are your driving source to sin.
4. Envy - Jealousy; wanting to have what someone has.
4. I want that watch Bob has because it looks expensive. He's so lucky that he has such a cool watch.
5. Sloth - Being too slow or lazy at doing something. 5. I'll get up one day...eventually... 
6. Wrath - Vindictive anger; angry revenge. 6. He killed his wife because she cheated on him. 
7. Anger - Getting mad at someone for something they did to you. Usually, we get angry rather than forgiving the other person.7. You idiot! You spilled chocolate milk all over my shirt!
All in the family....
Some of these sin were committed! !!!!
 Let me tell u why  in the year 2005...
My mother was a SUPER WOMAN...and when she died in 1999 everything else died with her..including a little bit of me
..she was the one who kept us all together my 4-brothers and 1-sister, Once my mother died it seemed that we went our separate ways...we all went into or little cocoon .....and one by one they died.. My sister, brothers, father.. -- When I went to my parents house after they both died it was a experience for me.

 I walked through the house and I saw my father's heavy steel safe.... Hmmmm I thought to myself what is still in there ?? Because my brother J had changed the will, bank accounts, safety deposit boxes & deeds to his name without the rest of us knowing.. He had gone to my mother while in ICU and heavy drugged and had her sign her name giving him everything !!! 
1. Greed - Wanting too much of something....I need more money! It's all mine!
2. Gluttony - Similar to greed, but gluttony is the action of taking too much of something in. .....he's such a glutton. I heard she ate a large pizza by herself! 
My parents were millionaires.
The safe...he had not open it because he did not have the combination.
3. Lust - The need to fulfill unspiritual desires . I really need to go open it.! .
So I contacted my other brother O who is very different from brother J so we thought of a plan to open the safe before my brother J open it,... 6. Wrath - Vindictive anger; angry revenge. 
My brother J did not let us in my parents home he was the key holder ...but he was going to Las Vegas for the weekend so I asked him to give me the key so I could finish up gathering my mother's items ..he did not like the idea but he gave I to me...

So we called a locksmith !!!! Scheduled a late night visit with him .... The locksmith came ..we dressed liked bandits black shirt, black pants, black hoodie it was like a movie...the locksmith drilled a tiny hole in the combination wheel and like magic it open !!!!
The locksmith turned his back and walked away ...he did not look into the safe and told us its open..6. Wrath - Vindictive anger; revenge.
We pulled evening out !! What we found was amazing... Gold  & Silver coins, money certificates from the 40s that my parents did not put into the bank safety deposit boxes....we gathered what was important and left some old insurance papers in the safe ...we asked the locksmith to lock and fix the tiny hole...

So we went on our business finished cleaning the house and split the jackpot....

My brother J came back and asked us if we wanted to spilt the pay to a locksmith to open the safe !!! Glutton\ Greed ??
We told him no..go ahead and do it yourself...
So he did...he then had the attistiee to call us and say he open the safe and there were insurance papers on our mother...he would give us the insurance forms to get the money ,,,but he wanted 500 dollars from us first then he would give us the forms to collect the money..
7. Anger - Getting mad at someone for something they did to you. Usually, we get angry rather than forgiving the other person
We told him naw. go ahead and keep it call and collect it ..we knew exactly what was in the safe and there was no value in the insurance forms...if he would have taken his time to read the forms my father had collected the money after my mother died....6. Wrath - Vindictive anger; angry botherJ passed away Christmas eve Dec 24, brings forth sin and when it is finished its brings death.
and you are probably wondering what happen to all the MONEy (coins,certificates) that will be next time!!


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My age

January 13,2023 64 yrs old. My Birthday is the Friday the 13!And-the first breath I take, the opening of my eyes, I feel I received a gift ...