Saturday, November 21, 2020

Having a rough Day

 None of us are strangers to the “rough day.” Sometimes it happens because everything’s going okay but we’re not feeling well, mentally or physically. Sometimes it happens because nothing is going okay. And sometimes it happens because nothing is going okay and we don’t feel well, physically or mentally.

Recently, I had one of those nothing’s-going-okay-and-I-don’t-feel-well days.

I woke up feeling awful because I’d had trouble sleeping  the night before—a not uncommon occurrence due to my ongoing insomnia and and other issues . I started stumbling gathering my items to go finish a project, dropping this and that! Got everything I needed and then I had to put gas, could not find my debit card snd  only had $10. I started to put the wrong gas into my suv quickly changed it to premium gas! Arrived at the place to finish my project I added to much water to the  package  of grout I packed only to find I left the big bag of grout at home, then the paint was open. Could not to anything right this morning .

I found myself getting increasingly cranky. Let’s just say there was a lot of grumbling and complaining going on in my mind.

I packed up and came home!!!! I figured a wasted day 

It came to me why? It’s the time if the year that my brother Dennis Nov 22 my grandson Miguel Nov  24 passed away  

My frame of mind had me taking an already rough day and then making it worse by turning myself into a victim as if the world was against me 

First thing I thought “Be nice to yourself.”

Second, re-prioritize your day.

I’m putting  aside anything that isn’t essential to my health and safety. A lot of people don't realize this is an option.

I’m always thinking I had to do every single thing I’d planned to do on a particular day. Most of us are conditioned to always be productive and take care of business immediately, but sometimes it's better to put things aside for another day. 

So, re-prioritizing can be a crucial step in being nice to yourself.

so I’m going to treat  myself a great dinner and then lay down on the bed for a while and do nothing but listen to my music while looking at a new mosaic book I have. 

My wish for all of you is that right now, no matter what kind of day you're having, you begin to treat yourself as kindly as you treat the people you love the most in your life.

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