Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Its been a long weekend and a hectic Monday ...yesterday we received a frantic call here at the office around noon time from one of our employees wife that their son Alan 15 months old --slip from a chair and hit his head on Sunday and she rushed him to the ER at Mercy Hospital here in Laredo the night he fell around 8pm -- X-rays were done and the doctor examined the 15 month old and told her he was fine and was released ..........Then around 1030am she receives a call from the ER hospital and they tell her that she needs to bring in Alan ASAP because another doctor looked at the X-rays and saw a FRACTURE IN HIS HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she needed him to bring him back to ER ASAP..................So she calls the office because her husband was out in the field and could not be reached by cell phone ,, so our dispatcher called and reached one of the guys and told him about the problem ...so I spoke with her and she was crying and telling me that Alan was going to be rushed by helicopter to San Antonio because there is not a head specialist here in Laredo to read the x-rays ...and she needed her husband to go with Alan to San Antonio on the helicopter..beacause she would not be able to go ( NO VISA she is a Mexican citizen ) I told her it was going to be about 3 hours before he gets here so I told her if she had anyone else to go with Alan and she she no her mother and brothers live here but do not have their papers ( also no visa ) so I volunteer to go with the child.......I arrived at the hospital and she was crying and holding Alan which he looked fine ....the head nurse came in and started talking English to her and I asked him to speak Spanish because she does not understand English so he spoke to her ---mostly in English so I related to her what was going on ..he then asked her when did the accident happen she told him last night and he looked at her like OH AND YOU JUST BROUGHT HIM IN ....I told did you read the record before coming in to discuss the plans on getting him to San Antonio and she did bring him in that night and was released .....so he quickly apologized to her, I asked what happen and if he could tell her why did the ER release the baby last night if he had a fracture skull......he stated that there is not a head specialist to read the x-rays and that they forwarded the XRAYS to San Antonio doctor and he was the one who read the XRAYS WRONG and that when they were going to file the X-rays in the Childs folder in the morning another doctor noticed the fracture and that’s when they called the mother.....So the helicopter nurses arrived to get Alan ready I told them I was going to fly with the child they told me that there was not a xtra seat and the child would have to go alone !!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE ^*&%^&%^$^^&&** I said to him the child is only 15 months and was crying how could he go alone??? Sorry he said …and then they transferred the child to the safety bed and fasten him down and took him to San Antonio ALONE…..while we looked on his father arrived in time to see his son get on the helicopter and he was going to be driving to San Antonio to meet up with son …
This morning I called the mother and asked her about Alan and she said that her husband called her and they were waiting for another specialist to come and see the child for a second opinion…….

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My age

January 13,2023 64 yrs old. My Birthday is the Friday the 13!And-the first breath I take, the opening of my eyes, I feel I received a gift ...